Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Denn das Wort vom Kreuz ist eine Torheit denen, die verloren werden; uns aber, die wir selig werden ist's eine Gotteskraft.
1 Korinther 1:18

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

14-11-06 12:43:47 Different images sizes
I have a css template with the markers ###PRODUCT_IMAGE1###
15-11-06 16:18:53 many images
You can have many images on a page. With the markers ###PRODUCT_IMAGE<number>### all of them have the same size. You must change the markers a little to get different sizes.
Then you can use its Setup specific to the CODE and table
------------------------------------------------- {
params = onmouseover = "specialFunction('###IMAGE_TITLE###');"
file.maxW = 40
imageLinkWrap <
imageLinkWrap = 0
wrap = <A href="#"> | </A>
15-11-06 20:26:27 ###PRODUCT_IMAGE2:MINI### is not showing up
I changed the markers for the single template so the first image is ###PRODUCT_IMAGE1### and the images after that is marked ###PRODUCT_IMAGE(imgnumber):MINI###.
I also addet the lines into my setup.

Image number 2, 3 and so on is not showing up anymore. I am shure I am doing something wrong, but I am not able to figure out what it is.
16-11-06 05:44:58 some bug correction
Unfortunately there is a bug with this feature.
Download, uncompress and replace the class.tx_ttproducts_image.php by

Constants or Setup:
plugin.tt_products.separateImage = 1
plugin.tt_products.limitImage = 10
plugin.tt_products.limitImageSingle = 10
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