Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Rühme dich nicht des morgenden Tages; denn du weißt nicht, was heute sich begeben mag.
Sprueche 27:1

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

30-06-22 16:27:19 Fehler bei Bestellbestätigung
Erwin Seher
Lieber Herr Holzinger,

bin über eine Fehler im Checkout gestolpert.
Wenn ich über sr_feuser_register einen User anlege und danach einen Checkout machen will kommt nach der Adressbestätigungsseite eine Fehlermeldung:

[] operator not supported for strings
in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/tt_products/model/class.tx_ttproducts_country.php line 121

$this->dataArray[$row['cn_iso_3']] = $row;
} else {
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$rc[]= $this->dataArray[$row['uid']] = $row;

at tx_ttproducts_country->isoGet(null, 'cn_iso_2 = \'AT\'')
in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/tt_products/view/class.tx_ttproducts_info_view.php line 275

!tx_ttproducts_control_basket::needsDeliveryAddresss($basketExtra) ?
'billing' :
$row = $countryObj->isoGet($this->infoArray[$type]['country_code'], $where);
if (!$row) {
$rc = 'country';

at tx_ttproducts_info_view->checkAllowed(array('shipping' => array('10'), 'shipping.' => array('title' => 'Versand innerhalb Österreichs', 'where.' => array('static_countries' => 'cn_iso_2 = \'AT\''), 'price.' => array('type' => 'count', '8', '10', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24'), 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'excludePayment' => '20'), 'payment' => array(10), 'payment.' => array('title' => 'Vorauskasse')))
[] operator not supported for strings
1-07-22 10:52:08 Debug Info
Franz Holzinger
Haben Sie noch mehr Debug Ausgaben?
Technisch ist es gar nicht möglich, dass die $row ein String ist. Ich muss wissen, wo das herkommt.

$row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res));

Das kann nur ein Array oder null zurückliefern, niemals einen String!
1-07-22 11:06:20 Re Debug Info
Erwin Seher
Kann ich Ihnen hierzu ein PDF senden mit den Infos?
Oder soll ich hier alles reinkopieren?

LG, Erwin
1-07-22 11:11:33 $row
Franz Holzinger
Ich benötige nur die Debug Info über $row an der Stelle, wo es angeblich einen String zurückliefert.

1-07-22 11:30:08 Re Debug Info
Erwin Seher
Kann Ihnen nur diese Ausgaben übermitteln:

at tx_ttproducts_info_view->checkAllowed(array('shipping' => array('10'), 'shipping.' => array('title' => 'Versand innerhalb Österreichs', 'where.' => array('static_countries' => 'cn_iso_2 = \'AT\''), 'price.' => array('type' => 'count', '8', '10', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24'), 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'excludePayment' => '20'), 'payment' => array(10), 'payment.' => array('title' => 'Vorauskasse')))
in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/tt_products/control/class.tx_ttproducts_control.php line 1061

if (!$checkRequired) {
$checkRequired = $infoViewObj->checkRequired('delivery', $basketExtra);
$checkAllowed = $infoViewObj->checkAllowed($basketExtra);
case 'agb':
$pidagb = intval($conf['PIDagb']);

at tx_ttproducts_control->processActivities(array('products_basket' => false, 'products_payment' => true), array('clear_basket' => 'products_clear_basket', 'customized_payment' => 'products_customized_payment', 'basket' => 'products_basket', 'finalize' => 'products_finalize', 'info' => 'products_info', 'overview' => 'products_overview', 'payment' => 'products_payment', 'redeem_gift' => 'products_redeem_gift', 'verify' => 'products_verify'), array('products_basket' => true), array('count' => 2, 'weight' => 0.0, 'priceTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 167.51999999999998), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998)), 'creditpoints' => 0, 'total' => array('ALL' => 175.52000000000001), 'vouchertotal' => array('ALL' => 175.52000000000001), 'vouchergoodstotal' => array('ALL' => 167.51999999999998)), 'priceNoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 139.60000000000002), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 139.60000000000002)), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 146.26666666666668)), 'creditpoints' => 0, 'total' => array('ALL' => 146.26999999999998), 'vouchertotal' => array('ALL' => 146.26999999999998), 'vouchergoodstotal' => array('ALL' => 139.60000000000002)), 'price0Tax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 167.51999999999998), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998)), 'total' => array('ALL' => 167.51999999999998)), 'price0NoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 139.60000000000002), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 139.60000000000002)), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 139.60000000000002)), 'total' => array('ALL' => 139.60000000000002)), 'price2Tax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'total' => array('ALL' => 0.0)), 'price2NoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'total' => array('ALL' => 0.0)), 'deposittax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0))), 'depositnotax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0))), 'payment' => array('priceTax' => 0, 'priceNoTax' => 0), 'shipping' => array('priceTax' => 8.0, 'priceNoTax' => 6.666666666666667), 'handling' => array(array('priceTax' => 0.0, 'priceNoTax' => 0.0)), 'categoryPriceNoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => array(139.60000000000002)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => array(139.60000000000002))), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array(array('20.00' => 139.60000000000002)))), 'noDiscountPriceTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0)), 'noDiscountPriceNoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0)), 'maxtax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => '20.00')), 'categoryPriceTax' => array('sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array(array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998))), 'goodstotal' => array('ALL' => array()))), array('shipping' => array('10'), 'shipping.' => array('title' => 'Versand innerhalb Österreichs', 'where.' => array('static_countries' => 'cn_iso_2 = \'AT\''), 'price.' => array('type' => 'count', '8', '10', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24'), 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'excludePayment' => '20'), 'payment' => array(10), 'payment.' => array('title' => 'Vorauskasse')), array('tt_products' => array('shipping' => '10', 'payment' => '10'), 'delivery' => array('name' => '', 'address' => '', 'zip' => '', 'city' => '', 'country' => 'Austria', 'email' => '', 'telephone' => '', 'note' => ''), 'personinfo' => array('agb' => 'value=')), array(array(';;;;;;;;;' => 2)), array(), array(), '')
in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/tt_products/control/class.tx_ttproducts_control.php line 1763


if (count($this->activityArray)) {
$content = $this->processActivities(

at tx_ttproducts_control->doProcessing(array('BASKET'), array('count' => 2, 'weight' => 0.0, 'priceTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 167.51999999999998), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998)), 'creditpoints' => 0, 'total' => array('ALL' => 175.52000000000001), 'vouchertotal' => array('ALL' => 175.52000000000001), 'vouchergoodstotal' => array('ALL' => 167.51999999999998)), 'priceNoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 139.60000000000002), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 139.60000000000002)), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 146.26666666666668)), 'creditpoints' => 0, 'total' => array('ALL' => 146.26999999999998), 'vouchertotal' => array('ALL' => 146.26999999999998), 'vouchergoodstotal' => array('ALL' => 139.60000000000002)), 'price0Tax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 167.51999999999998), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998)), 'total' => array('ALL' => 167.51999999999998)), 'price0NoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 139.60000000000002), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 139.60000000000002)), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 139.60000000000002)), 'total' => array('ALL' => 139.60000000000002)), 'price2Tax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'total' => array('ALL' => 0.0)), 'price2NoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'total' => array('ALL' => 0.0)), 'deposittax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0))), 'depositnotax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0)), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => 0.0))), 'payment' => array('priceTax' => 0, 'priceNoTax' => 0), 'shipping' => array('priceTax' => 8.0, 'priceNoTax' => 6.666666666666667), 'handling' => array(array('priceTax' => 0.0, 'priceNoTax' => 0.0)), 'categoryPriceNoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => array(139.60000000000002)), 'goodssametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array('20.00' => array(139.60000000000002))), 'sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array(array('20.00' => 139.60000000000002)))), 'noDiscountPriceTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0)), 'noDiscountPriceNoTax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => 0.0)), 'maxtax' => array('goodstotal' => array('ALL' => '20.00')), 'categoryPriceTax' => array('sametaxtotal' => array('ALL' => array(array('20.00' => 167.51999999999998))), 'goodstotal' => array('ALL' => array()))), array('shipping' => array('10'), 'shipping.' => array('title' => 'Versand innerhalb Österreichs', 'where.' => array('static_countries' => 'cn_iso_2 = \'AT\''), 'price.' => array('type' => 'count', '8', '10', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24'), 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'excludePayment' => '20'), 'payment' => array(10), 'payment.' => array('title' => 'Vorauskasse')), array('tt_products' => array('shipping' => '10', 'payment' => '10'), 'delivery' => array('name' => '', 'address' => '', 'zip' => '', 'city' => '', 'country' => 'Austria', 'email' => '', 'telephone' => '', 'note' => ''), 'personinfo' => array('agb' => 'value=')), array(array(';;;;;;;;;' => 2)), array(), array(), '')
in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/tt_products/control/class.tx_ttproducts_main.php line 444

if (is_object($addressObj)) {
$addressArray = $addressObj->fetchAddressArray($itemArray);
$content .= $controlObj->doProcessing(

at tx_ttproducts_main->run(object(TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer), 'tx_ttproducts_pi1_base', array(), '')
in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/tt_products/pi1/class.tx_ttproducts_pi1_base.php line 88


$content =

at tx_ttproducts_pi1_base->main('', array('userFunc' => 'tx_ttproducts_pi1->main', 'test' => 'nothing', 'templateFile' => 'typo3conf/ext/mba/Resources/Private/Extensions/Shop/tt_products_css.html', 'defaultSetup' => '1', 'fe' => '1', 'markerFile' => '', 'errorLog' => '', 'templateStyle' => 'css-styled', 'pid_list' => '333', 'code.' => array('field' => 'select_key'), 'defaultCode' => 'HELP', 'defaultImageDir' => '', 'wrapInBaseClass' => '1', 'wrapInCode' => '1', 'onChangeCountryAttribute' => 'this.form.submit();', 'foundby.' => array('type' => 'radio', 'hideValue.' => array('1')), 'limit' => '250', 'limitImage' => '1', 'limitImageSingle' => '10', 'usePageContentImage' => '0', 'separateImage' => '1', 'image.' => array('file.' => array('maxW' => '350', 'maxH' => '400'), 'imageLinkWrap' => '1', 'imageLinkWrap.' => array('enable' => '1', 'bodyTag' => '<body bgColor="black" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">', 'wrap' => '<a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>', 'width' => '350px', 'height' => '437px', 'JSwindow' => '0', 'JSwindow.' => array('newWindow' => '1', 'expand' => '0,0'), 'typolink.' => array('parameter.' => array('cObject' => 'IMG_RESOURCE', 'cObject.' => array('file.' => array('import.' => array('data' => 'TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile'), 'maxW' => '600', 'maxH' => '600'))), 'ATagParams' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"', 'ATagParams.' => array('insertData' => '1')), 'directImageLink' => '1', 'linkParams.' => array('ATagParams.' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'wrap' => '<div> | </div>', 'params' => 'class="img-fluid"', 'altText' => 'TEXT', 'altText.' => array('field' => 'title')), 'smallImage.' => array('file.' => array('maxW' => '60', 'maxH' => '150')), 'listImage.' => array('file.' => array('maxW' => '200', 'maxH' => '250'), 'imageLinkWrap' => '1', 'imageLinkWrap.' => array('enable' => '1', 'bodyTag' => '<body bgColor="black" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">', 'wrap' => '<a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>', 'width' => '550', 'height' => '', 'JSwindow' => '0', 'JSwindow.' => array('newWindow' => '1', 'expand' => '0,0'), 'directImageLink' => '1', 'linkParams.' => array('ATagParams.' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'params' => 'class="img-fluid"', 'altText' => 'TEXT', 'altText.' => array('field' => 'title')), 'listImageHasChilds.' => array('file.' => array('maxW' => '50', 'maxH' => '100'), 'imageLinkWrap' => '1', 'imageLinkWrap.' => array('enable' => '1', 'bodyTag' => '<body bgColor="black" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">', 'wrap' => '<a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>', 'width' => '550', 'height' => '', 'JSwindow' => '1', 'JSwindow.' => array('newWindow' => '1', 'expand' => '0,0'))), 'basketImage.' => array('file.' => array('maxW' => '60', 'maxH' => '200'), 'imageLinkWrap' => '1', 'imageLinkWrap.' => array('enable' => '1', 'bodyTag' => '<body bgColor="black" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">', 'wrap' => '<a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>', 'width' => '350px', 'height' => '437px', 'JSwindow' => '0', 'JSwindow.' => array('newWindow' => '1', 'expand' => '0,0'), 'directImageLink' => '1', 'linkParams.' => array('ATagParams.' => array('dataWrap' => 'class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"'))), 'altText' => 'TEXT', 'altText.' => array('field' => 'title')), 'listcatImage.' => array('file.' => array('maxW' => '50', 'maxH' => '100'), 'imageLinkWrap' => '0', 'imageLinkWrap.' => array('enable' => '1', 'bodyTag' => '<body bgColor="black" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">', 'wrap' => '<a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>', 'width' => '550', 'height' => '', 'JSwindow' => '1', 'JSwindow.' => array('newWindow' => '1', 'expand' => '0,0'))), 'noImageAvailable' => '', 'datasheetIcon.' => array('file' => ''), 'wrap1.' => array('wrap' => '<span class="tx-ttproducts-pi1-wrap1"> | </span>'), 'wrap2.' => array('wrap' => '<span class="tx-ttproducts-pi1-wrap2"> | </span>'), 'nl2brNote' => '1', 'color1.' => array('wrap' => '#CCCCCC'), 'color2.' => array('wrap' => '#999999'), 'color3.' => array('wrap' => '#333333'), 'selectColor' => '1', 'selectColor2' => '1', 'selectColor3' => '1', 'selectSize' => '1', 'selectSize2' => '1', 'selectSize3' => '1', 'selectDescription' => '1', 'selectGradings' => '1', 'selectMaterial' => '1', 'selectQuality' => '1', 'useArticles' => '3', 'keepProductData' => '1', 'noArticleSingleView' => '1', 'displayListCatHeader' => '1', 'displayBasketCatHeader' => '0', 'displayBasketColumns' => '{$plugin.tt_products.displayBasketColumns}', 'displayCatListType' => 'ul', 'basketPic' => 'typo3conf/ext/mba/Resources/Private/Templates/Extensions/Shop/icons/basket-big.gif', 'clickIntoBasket' => '1', 'clickIntoList' => '0', 'clickItemsIntoSubmenu' => '0', 'basketMaxQuantity' => '500', 'quantityIsFloat' => '0', 'CSS.' => array('tt_products.' => array('ALL.' => array('row.' => array('even' => 'products-list-even', 'uneven' => 'products-list-uneven'), 'itemSingleWrap' => '<div class="###UNEVEN###">|</div>', 'itemRowWrap' => ''))), 'CSSListDefault' => '', 'CSSListCurrent' => '', 'NoSingleViewOnList' => '0', 'listViewOnSearch' => '1', 'downloadViewOnlyProductsFal' => '0', 'PIDagb' => '335', 'PIDrevocation' => '0', 'PIDprivacy' => '0', 'PIDinfo' => '', 'PIDfinalize' => '329', 'PIDpayment' => '328', 'PIDthanks' => '', 'PIDtracking' => '330', 'PIDbilling' => '', 'PIDdelivery' => '', 'PIDitemDisplay' => '326', 'PIDlistDisplay' => '334', 'PIDsearch' => '{$id_shopsuche}', 'PIDbasket' => '327', 'PIDstoreRoot' => '313', 'PIDmemo' => '', 'PID_sys_products_orders' => '331', 'PIDGiftsTable' => '0', 'paymentActivity' => 'payment', 'advanceOrderNumberWithInteger' => '', 'alwaysAdvanceOrderNumber' => '1', 'alwaysUpdateOrderAmount' => '1', 'defaultArticleID' => '', 'defaultProductID' => '', 'defaultCategoryID' => '', 'defaultDAMCategoryID' => '', 'rootCategoryID' => '', 'rootDAMCategoryID' => '', 'rootPageID' => '', 'recursive' => '99', 'domain' => '', 'parseFunc.' => array('makelinks' => '1', 'makelinks.' => array('http.' => array('keep' => 'path', 'extTarget' => '_blank'), 'mailto.' => array('keep' => 'path')), 'tags.' => array('a' => 'TEXT', 'a.' => array('current' => '1', 'typolink.' => array('parameter.' => array('data' => 'parameters:href'), 'title.' => array('data' => 'parameters:title'), 'ATagParams.' => array('data' => 'parameters:allParams'), 'target.' => array('ifEmpty.' => array('data' => 'parameters:target')), 'extTarget.' => array('ifEmpty.' => array('override' => '_blank'), 'override.' => array('data' => 'parameters:target'))))), 'allowTags' => 'a, abbr, acronym, address, article, aside, b, bdo, big, blockquote, br, caption, center, cite, code, col, colgroup, dd, del, dfn, dl, div, dt, em, font, footer, header, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, label, li, link, meta, nav, ol, p, pre, q, s, samp, sdfield, section, small, span, strike, strong, style, sub, sup, table, thead, tbody, tfoot, td, th, tr, title, tt, u, ul, var', 'denyTags' => '*', 'sword' => '<span class="ce-sword">|</span>', 'constants' => '1', 'nonTypoTagStdWrap.' => array('HTMLparser' => '1', 'HTMLparser.' => array('keepNonMatchedTags' => '1', 'htmlSpecialChars' => '2')), 'htmlSanitize' => '1'), 'categoryHeader' => 'TEXT', 'categoryHeader.' => array('current' => '1'), 'priceDec' => '2', 'priceDecPoint' => ',', 'priceThousandPoint' => '', 'noZeroDecimalPoint' => '', 'percentDec' => '3', 'percentDecPoint' => '.', 'percentThousandPoint' => '', 'percentNoZeroDecimalPoint' => '', 'currencySymbol' => 'EUR', 'TAXpercentage' => '19', 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'TAXmode' => '1', 'TAXrates' => '', 'priceTAXnotVarying' => '0', 'lockLoginUserInfo' => '1', 'editLockedLoginInfo' => '1', 'loginUserInfoAddress' => '0', 'orderByItemNumberSg' => '0', 'orderNumberPrefix' => '%', 'requiredInfoFields' => 'name, address, telephone, email', 'orderEmail_from' => '', 'orderEmail_fromName' => 'Melanie Engelmann Webshop', 'orderEmail_to' => '', 'orderEmail_toAddress' => '', 'orderEmail_toDelivery' => '', 'orderEmail_subject' => 'Melanie Engelmann: Ihre Bestellung', 'orderEmail_htmlmail' => '1', 'orderEmail_apostrophe' => '', 'orderEmail_order2' => '0', 'email_notify_default' => '1', 'statusCodesSource' => 'marker_locallang', 'update_code' => '3MelanieEngelmann2018', 'statusDate_stdWrap.' => array('strftime' => '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M'), 'orderDate_stdWrap.' => array('strftime' => '%d-%m-%Y'), 'usebyDate_stdWrap.' => array('strftime' => '%d-%m-%Y'), 'cardEndDate_stdWrap.' => array('strftime' => '%d-%m-%Y'), 'date_stdWrap.' => array('strftime' => '%d-%m-%Y'), 'usePriceTag' => '0', 'useStaticInfoCountry' => '1', 'useStaticTaxes' => '0', 'priceTagObj' => 'IMAGE', 'priceTagObj.' => array('wrap' => '|', 'file' => 'GIFBUILDER', 'file.' => array('backColor' => '#C4C400', 'XY' => '[10.w]+10,[10.h]+5', 'TEXT', '10.' => array('text' => '###PRICE###', 'offset' => '0,14', 'fontColor' => '#222222', 'fontSize' => '16', 'align' => 'center', 'niceText' => '1'))), 'max_note_length' => '10000', 'bulkilyWarning' => '<p><b>Warning! This article needs special transport.</b></p>', 'bulkilyAddition' => '{$plugin.tt_products.bulkilyAddition}', 'bulkilyFeeTax' => '{$plugin.tt_products.bulkilyFeeTax}', 'specialPreparation' => 'Special preparation possible! <a href="?id=999&tt_products=###PRODUCT_ID###">Order here</a>.', 'createUsers' => '1', 'useMd5Password' => '0', 'PIDuserFolder' => '14', 'pidsRelatedProducts' => '', 'pidsAddresses' => '', 'UIDstore' => '', 'UIDstoreGroup' => '', 'outputFolder' => 'fileadmin/data', 'memberOfGroup' => '2', 'discountGroupName' => '', 'getDiscountPrice' => '0', 'stdSearchFieldExt' => 'title, subtitle, note', 'AGBtarget' => '_parent', 'AGBattachment' => '', 'generateXML' => '0', 'XMLdestination' => '../xmlorders/', 'generateCSV' => '0', 'CSVdestination' => '../csvorders/', 'CSVfields' => 'tstamp,title,price,price2,itemnumber,category,inStock,tax,weight,bulkily,offer,highlight,directcost,subtitle', 'CSVinOneLine' => '0', 'alwaysInStock' => '1', 'showNotinStock' => '1', 'notInStockMessage' => 'not in stock', 'inStockPieces' => 'pieces', 'warningInStockLimit' => '', 'newItemDays' => '7', 'substitutePagetitle' => '1', 'whereGift' => '', 'whereGiftService' => '', 'form.' => array('SEARCH.' => array('name' => 'ShopSearchForm')), 'basket.' => array('view.' => array('showAmount' => 'basket'), 'store' => '1', 'activity.' => array('basket.' => array('check' => 'basket'), 'info.' => array('check' => 'basket'), 'payment.' => array('check' => 'address,agb,basket,account,card'), 'finalize.' => array('check' => 'address,basket,account,card'), 'overview.' => array('check' => 'basket', 'store' => '1')), 'minPrice.' => array('type' => 'price', 'collect' => 'goodstotal', 'value' => '0')), 'memo.' => array('allow' => 'fe_users,session'), 'table.' => array('address' => 'fe_users', 'tt_products' => 'tt_products', 'tt_products.' => array('category' => 'category', 'address' => 'address', 'itemnumber' => 'itemnumber', 'inStock' => 'inStock', 'variant.' => array('color', 'size', 'description', 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''))
in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/tt_products/pi1/class.tx_ttproducts_pi1.php line 68

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array('TAXpercentage' => '20', 'priceDec' => '2', '10.' => array('title' => 'Versand innerhalb Österreichs', 'where.' => array('static_countries' => 'cn_iso_2 = \'AT\''), 'price.' => array('type' => 'count', '8', '10', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24'), 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'excludePayment' => '20'), '20.' => array('title' => 'Abholung', 'price' => '0', 'price.' => array('noCostsAmount' => '1'), 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'excludePayment' => '10, 90'), '30.' => array('title' => 'Versand nach Deutschland', 'where.' => array('static_countries' => 'cn_iso_2 = \'DE\''), 'price.' => array('type' => 'count', '19', '21', '23', '25', '27', '29', '31', '33', '35'), 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'replaceTAXpercentage' => '0', 'excludePayment' => '20'), '40.' => array('title' => 'Versand in die Schweiz', 'where.' => array('static_countries' => 'cn_iso_2 = \'CH\''), 'price.' => array('type' => 'count', '29', '31', '33', '35', '37', '39', '41', '43', '45'), 'TAXincluded' => '1', 'replaceTAXpercentage' => '0', 'excludePayment' => '20'))), object(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest))
in /var/www/html/public/typo3_src-11.5.12/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject/ContentObjectRenderer.php line 5388

// Extensions should either drop the property altogether if they don't need current instance
// of ContentObjectRenderer, or set the property to protected and use the setter above.
$classObj->cObj = $this;
$content = $callable($content, $conf, $this->getRequest());
} else {
$this->getTimeTracker()->setTSlogMessage('Method "' . $parts[1] . '" did not exist in class "' . $parts[0] . '"', LogLevel::ERROR);
} else {

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'###P_DELIVERY_AVAILABLE_IMMEDIATE###')), 'image.' => array('file' => 'EXT:tt_products/res/icons/fe/availableImmediate.gif', 'file.' => array('maxW' => '350'))), '2.' => array('text' => 'COA', 'text.' => array('TEXT', '10.' => array('value' => '###P_DELIVERY_AVAILABLE_SHORT###')), 'image.' => array('file' => 'EXT:tt_products/res/icons/fe/availableShort.gif', 'file.' => array('maxW' => '350')))), 'image.' => array('m.' => array('imageLinkWrap.' => array('JSwindow' => '0', 'directImageLink' => '')))), 'LIST.' => array('field.' => array('note' => 'TEXT', 'note.' => array('cropHTML' => '10000 | ...')))), 'address.' => array('ALL.' => array('requiredFields' => 'uid,pid', 'countryReference' => 'uid', 'zoneReference' => 'uid')), 'tt_products_articles.' => array('ALL.' => array('requiredFields' => 'uid,pid,uid_product,price,price2,inStock', 'functions.' => array('htmlentities' => 'title, subtitle'))), 'tt_products_cat.' => array('ALL.' => array('requiredFields' => 'uid,pid', 'leafFuncTables' => 'tt_products', 'onlyChildsOfCurrent' => '1', 'language.' => array('type' => 'table', 'table' => 'tt_products_cat_language'), 'orderBy' => 'catid', 'functions.' => array('htmlentities' => 'title, subtitle'), 'hierarchytiers' => '1', 'tagmark.' => array('parents' => '1', 'prefix' => 'cat'))), 'tt_products_texts.' => array('ALL.' => array('onlyChildsOfCurrent' => '1', 'language.' => array('type' => 'table', 'table' => 'tt_products_texts_language'), 'orderBy' => 'sorting')), 'pages.' => array('ALL.' => array('requiredFields' => 'uid,pid,title,subtitle,media', 'language.' => array('type' => 'table', 'table' => 'pages_language_overlay'), 'hierarchytiers' => '1')), 'tx_dam.' => array('ALL.' => array('language.' => array('type' => 'noTranslation'), 'orderBy' => 'sorting', 'keyfield.' => array('keywords' => ''))), 'tx_dam_cat.' => array('ALL.' => array('requiredFields' => 'uid,pid', 'onlyChildsOfCurrent' => '1', 'language.' => array('type' => 'noTranslation'), 'orderBy' => 'sorting', 'hierarchytiers' => '1'))), 'tracking.' => array('fields' => 'uid,crdate,name,tracking_code,amount,status,status_log,bill_no,feusers_uid', 'recordLine' => '<!-- ###INPUT### begin -->###ORDER_ORDER_NO### (###ORDER_BILL_NO###): ###ORDER_NAME### (###ORDER_AMOUNT### ###CUR_SYM###) / ###ORDER_STATUS###) ###ORDER_CRDATE### ###LAST_ORDER_TYPE### ###LAST_ORDER_COUNT###<!-- ###INPUT### end -->', 'recordType' => 'select', 'recordBox.' => array('wrap' => '<select name="tracking" size="15"> | </select>'), 'sql.' => array('where' => 'status!=0 AND status<100', 'orderBy' => 'crdate')), 'marks.' => array('sellers_executive' => 'Geschäftsführer Johann K.', 'shop_account_owner' => 'Name des Kontoinhabers für den Shop', 'shop_account' => 'Kontonummer des Shops', 'shop_account_bank_no' => 'BLZ des Kontoinhabers für den Shop', 'shop_account_bank' => 'Bankbezeichnung des Kontoinhabers für den Shop', 'shop_account_bic' => 'BIC Nummer der Bank des Kontoinhabers für den Shop', 'shop_account_iban' => 'IBAN Nummer der Bank des Kontoinhabers für den Shop'), 'debug' => '', 'ajaxDebug' => '0', '_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE' => '', 'shopAdmin' => 'BE', 'U
1-07-22 11:31:07 Re Debug Info
Erwin Seher
Es kommt nur wenn ich als feuser angemeldet bin, sobald ich ohne aktivem Login eine Bestellung mache, geht alles normal
1-07-22 11:34:29 $row fehlt
Franz Holzinger
Ich habe bisher nur unnötige Debug Ausgaben bekommen. Die angeforderte $row ist nicht dabei.

debug ($row, '$row an Position');

Das brauche ich doch!
1-07-22 12:24:44 Re Debug Info
Erwin Seher
Also wenn ich in Zeile 120 der class.tx_ttproducts_country.php
vor der While Schleife die debug ($row); eingebe bekomme ich:
Extbase Variable Dump - NULL

ich denke der fehler ist hier (class.tx_ttproducts_info_view.php - Zeile 275)
bei: $row = $countryObj->isoGet($this->infoArray[$type]['country_code'], $where);

wenn ich da debug ($countryObj); vor der zuweisung der $row eingebe bekomme ich folgenden Objektinhalt:

dataArray => publicNULL
table => publicNULL
marker => public'STATICCOUNTRIES' (15 chars)
bHasBeenInitialised => protectedTRUE
conf => publicarray(203 items)
config => publicarray(13 items)
tableObj => publictx_table_dbprototypeobject
defaultFieldArray => publicarray(4 items)
relatedFromTableArray => publicarray(empty)
fieldArray => publicarray(1 item)
insertRowArray => protectedNULL
insertKey => protected0 (integer)
tableAlias => protectedNULL
labelfieldname => protected'title' (5 chars)
enable => protectedTRUE

Sobald aber folgender Funktionsaufruf $countryObj->isoGet($this->infoArray[$type]['country_code'], $where); kommt schreibt er den Fehler.
$row ist in den Fällen immer NULL

wenn ich in der Schleife Zeile 122 in der Funktionsdefintion isoGet() ein debug ($this->dataArray[$row['uid']]); schreibe kommt auch ein:
Extbase Variable Dump - NULL

1-07-22 19:19:40 Re Debug Info
Erwin Seher
Hallo Herr Holzinger,

hab das Problem behoben. War leider ein Fehler von mir im Template File.
Hatte das alternative Lieferland als normales input form element im Template. (Hatte das von der alten tt_products übernommen)
hab das rausgetan und jetz gehts!

Trotzdem vielen Dank für die Mühe, und sorry dass ich das Forum mit der Fehlerausgabe zugemüllt habe

LG, Erwin
2-07-22 10:39:34 welcher Fehler?
Franz Holzinger
Es muss aber trotzdem auch ein Fehler woanders liegen. Auch wenn Sie einen Fehler im HTML Template machen, darf das zu keinem PHP Fehler führen.

while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$rc[] = $this->dataArray[$row['uid']] = $row;

Hier oben kann $row laut PHP Code nur ein Array oder false sein.
NULL ist gar nicht möglich.

Die Extension typo3db_legacy hat diese Funktion:

public function sql_fetch_assoc($res)

Es ist unmöglich, dass hier ein $row = NULL zurückgeliefert wird.

Vielleicht könnten Sie hier noch einen Hinweis geben, wie dieser Fehler zustande kommt.
2-07-22 11:55:29 public function sql_fetch_assoc($res)
Franz Holzinger
Hier die Zeile in typo3db_legacy

6-07-22 15:18:16 Re Debug Info
Erwin Seher
Ich denke es wird wenn ich ein reines <input> Element für ###DELIVERY_COUNTRY### im Template habe ein String über die Variable 'cn_iso_2' an die Funktion isoGet übergeben.
(siehe Fehler -> isoGet(null, 'cn_iso_2 = \'AT\'') <- \'AT\' ist ja ein String
Bei einem Select Tag im Template wird sicher ein Array an die isoGet übergeben.
Wenn vor der Übergabe an die Funktion den Parameter generell in ein Array umwandelt wirds wahrscheinlich funktionieren.
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