Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Lasset kein faul Geschwätz aus eurem Munde gehen, sondern was nützlich zur Besserung ist, wo es not tut, daß es holdselig sei zu hören.
Epheser 4:29

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

Can't get the tree to show
autor: Julo Ferianc Datum: 13-12-06 16:57:55
I succeeded in setting up working list-style forum with all hierarchies as suggested but having difficulties with tree-style.

I assume that to get the basic posts-tree rendered on page, it suffices to:
1. have some post-records stored on that page
2. place the Insert plugin (Board, Tree) content type element with "Forum: Tree" flexform code on that page

The tree just won't show. Any ideas?

Using typo3 v4.0.3, tt_board 1.1.2, css_styled_content 0.3.1, fh_library 0.0.14 (and yes, I have included static Board CSS Style from extensions in my root template).