Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Lasset kein faul Geschwätz aus eurem Munde gehen, sondern was nützlich zur Besserung ist, wo es not tut, daß es holdselig sei zu hören.
Epheser 4:29

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

Entwickler Version

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2-07-13 14:44:29 sr_feuser_register: Send new emails
ank markides
Hello Forum,

I use sr_feuser_register extension VER. 2.6.3 for the confirmation of a user's registration and so far I didn't have any problems.

However, I'd like to modify the functionality of this extension so that two new emails are sent with new templates (for the user and the administrator respectively), when the admin clicks on a new link to the registration review email.

Due to my lack of experience, I don't know how this could be done. What steps should I follow to achieve this functionality?

Thanks in advance
3-07-13 08:15:47 sr_feuser_register: Send new emails
ank markides
Hello again everybody,

I didn't came up with any solution yet about the problem I have on modifying the functionality of sr_feuser_register extention VER. 2.6.3...

I actually want to create a new link in the registration review email the administrator receives which, when it will be clicked, will trigger the dispatch of two new emails: to the user and the administrator himself. And will redirect him to the "Confirmation" page where he will see a message.

Any ideas? What steps should be followed?

4-07-13 09:07:36 emails
Franz Holzinger
The central email sending function "compile" is in the file
lib/class.tx_agency_email.php .

It generates the emails which are sent to the user and to the admin.

The processing function for the links in the emails is in the file control/class.tx_agency_setfixed.php. You can use hooks to extend the normal behaviour.
4-07-13 18:21:52 emails
ank markides
Hello Franz,

I finally found a way to modify the functionality. I didn't use the hooks but I made some changes to the typoscript, created new constants and templates and then I got the email flow I wanted.

Thanks for the help
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