Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Denn das Wort vom Kreuz ist eine Torheit denen, die verloren werden; uns aber, die wir selig werden ist's eine Gotteskraft.
1 Korinther 1:18

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

5-04-11 01:21:41 Delete BASKET_TEMPLATE_EMPTY marker?
Julia Pekkonen
Hello all and Franz!
I need again your help.
In one page I have 2 instances of tt_products (basket:content and basket:input customer data)
I deleted all items in basket I see message from my BASKET_TEMPLATE_EMPTY, but two times! Instead both instances (basket:content and basket:input customer data). How I could insert this message only in one instance of tt_products? For example only in basket:content and DON'T insert it to basket:input customer data?
Thanks in advance.
5-04-11 10:12:09 tt_products 2.8.1
Franz Holzinger
The check of the control activities can be configured in tt_products 2.8.1:

basket.activity {
basket {
check = basket
info {
check = basket
payment {
check = address,agb,basket,account,card
finalize {
check = address,agb,basket,account,card
overview {
check = basket

Remove the 'check = basket' from the default setup.
5-04-11 11:40:29 Thanks a lot!
Julia Pekkonen
Hi Franz, thanks for your answer!
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