Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Rühme dich nicht des morgenden Tages; denn du weißt nicht, was heute sich begeben mag.
Sprueche 27:1

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

Entwickler Version

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20-09-08 00:00:39 setfixed pages?
Kim Holberg Andersen
Can anyone explain to me the term "setfixed page"?

My confirm page (confirmPID) does not show up in the correct language and it is referring to the setfixed page both in the constant editor and in the template. Somehow i think there is a problem with this...

Kind regards

30-05-09 20:22:00 setfixed
Franz Holzinger
'setfixed' happens when someone clicks on a link in a confirmation email. Now his registration process gets fixed. He will be registered or not.

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