Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Denn so du mit deinem Munde bekennst Jesum, daß er der HERR sei, und glaubst in deinem Herzen, daß ihn Gott von den Toten auferweckt hat, so wirst du selig. Denn so man von Herzen glaubt, so wird man gerecht; und so man mit dem Munde bekennt, so wird man selig.
Roemer 10:9-10

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

8-10-11 22:56:28 Another one problem after switch 2.7.0 to 2.7.2
Julia Pekkonen
Hello Franz,
I'm so sorry again, but I found also little bet problem with new version (2.7.2)
Don't sending letters to users with basket items.
I see that in 2.7.2 was changed plugin CODE which pasted in my page.
Instead "Basket:Input customer data" I see "Basket:Collect addresses", but I don't change something in this settings (and section "BASKET_INFO_TEMPLATE" in template file).
But that I click "send" I see empty page...
My code of BASKET_INFO_TEMPLATE below:
<form method="post" action="###FORM_URL###" name="basket1" class="basketForm" id="registrationForm1">
<div id="label_PERSON_EMAIL">
<p>Als E-Mail verschicken</p>
<div id="field_PERSON_EMAIL_FORM">
<input type="text" name="recs[personinfo][email]" value="E-Mail Adresse Empfänger" title="E-Mail Adresse Empfänger" class="basket_fields"/>
<input type="text" id="subject" name="recs[delivery][name]" value="Betreffzeilentext der E-Mail" title="Betreffzeilentext der E-Mail" class="basket_fields"/>
<input type="hidden" name="formnumber" size="30" value="1" />
<!--<input type="submit" id="button4" name="products_payment" value="Absenden" onclick="getElementById('registrationForm1').action='###FORM_URL_FINALIZE###';"/>-->
<input type="submit" id="button4" name="products_finalize" value="E-Mail versenden" onclick="getElementById('registrationForm1').action='###FORM_URL_FINALIZE###';"/>
8-10-11 23:14:32 missing info
Franz Holzinger
Hello Julia, some information is missing here.
I need more information about what has happened.
8-10-11 23:52:04 More info
Julia Pekkonen
Hello Franz,
when I filled e-mail and name - clicked "E-Mail versenden" - I stay on same page with same URL (basket page) but page without any HTML code and nothing happens more. No letter to entered e-mail.
Maybe wrong action in ###FORM_URL_FINALIZE###?
This is code of submit:
<input id="button4" type="submit" onclick="getElementById('registrationForm1').action='index.php?id=48&tt_products%5BbackPID%5D=48&cHash=111890833ce4a8b23eee74c4a08970b0';" value="E-Mail versenden" name="products_finalize">
If you need other info - please explain what exactly you need!
Thanks again for your help.
10-10-11 17:55:54 Problem solved
Julia Pekkonen
Hello, I updated dev2007 to latest version and mail-form began to work normally!..
10-10-11 23:06:07 div2007
Julia Pekkonen
I mean div2007 :)
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