Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Denn so du mit deinem Munde bekennst Jesum, daß er der HERR sei, und glaubst in deinem Herzen, daß ihn Gott von den Toten auferweckt hat, so wirst du selig. Denn so man von Herzen glaubt, so wird man gerecht; und so man mit dem Munde bekennt, so wird man selig.
Roemer 10:9-10

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

Payment Transactor Extension
Finalize Using tt_products 2.6.2
autor: Regis TEDONE Datum: 27-05-10 18:06:26
Using the latest version 2.6.2 updated on 14.12.2009.

You talk about V2.6.3, I also see V2.7.0, and the most recent is 2.5.12

Very confusing.

Can you give me explanations on different version and what is the most stable.

In one of your post you said : The order data is already stored as hidden in the records of sys_products_orders. With version 2.6.2, I can't see it. When the caddie is full of products, not articles, no order is present as hidden in sys_products_orders. So my last question is : where the caddie information are stored before finilize process.
