Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

So jemand spricht: "Ich liebe Gott", und haßt seinen Bruder, der ist ein Lügner. Denn wer seinen Bruder nicht liebt, den er sieht, wie kann er Gott lieben, den er nicht sieht? Und dies Gebot haben wir von ihm, daß, wer Gott liebt, daß der auch seinen Bruder liebe.
1 Johannes 4:20-21

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

Payment Transactor Extension
Finalize payment
autor: Regis TEDONE Datum: 3-02-10 11:39:50
I'm looking for a solution to finalize payment after credit card billing process by CM_CIC system.

The CM (Credit Mutuel) plateform is one of the most used in France.

I've developped an extension to manage this secure payment system but....

I need help on how to finalize the customer command. Here is the process which works well :

1. Add products to basket
2. Fill info form (tt_product information with ###BASKET_INFO_TEMPLATE###)
3. Validating the basket then redirect to the bank secure page with posting few information (customer email, amount of the order)
4. Enter Credit cart number and codes, then submit.
5. The CM_CIC payment system on the bank server send online result to the shop server (where TT_products is installed on).
6. The shop server respond with encoded secure data (receipt) to the CM_CIC payment system. Before sending this data, I've got a case statement where I need to finalize the order. The code is packed inside a Typo3 extension so I've got all access to the environment:

case "paymentok":
// Payment has been accepted on the productive server
// put your code here (Order Finalize)

//return receipt to the
//This point is well done.

7. When the CM_CIC payment system receive encoded secure data, it just propose a link to print payment order and a link to return to the shop server. Here I can finalize the order, but If customer doesn't use this link, the order is not finalize on the shop server.

So, at this time the tt_products code seems complex for me, and I can't find how to finalize the order in the 6th point explained above.
I just need here to register the user and write the order to the database then clear basket, in fact the finalize operation

Thanks for your help.